After a successful career as one of the top litigators in the country, Sharla Frost felt compelled to reach back and help those coming up in the profession.

Sharla quickly realized, as a young attorney starting out, there were many challenges, especially for female attorneys. Not only did she not initially understand that she had to build her own client base, it had not been communicated to her that this was necessary.

So, she set to work building not only her client base, but her power base, her network and her career in law. She worked her way up, specializing in product liability litigation and made a name for herself in both state and federal courts in several states.

What she realized however, was that what she didn't know had hurt her in terms of slowing her down. There were simply no female mentors to go to, no counsel to seek. Sharla knew this needed to change, so she took it upon herself to change it.

Sharla started by writing Power At The Table, a tactical and practical guide book to cut out the guesswork and maximize opportunities for females in the legal profession right out of the gate. The book quickly became an Amazon best seller, and Sharla began receiving requests to speak at universities, law schools and professional organizations to share her knowledge, wisdom and experience with live audiences, so they could personally understand the value of developing your own power at the table.

Understanding the value the book had in the market, speaking requests expanded to corporations, non-profit groups, sales conferences and even secondary schools. These skills sets transcend industry and even age. In fact, the more we can prepare our children to be effective communicators, strong negotiators and command a powerful presence, the more we are setting them up for success in life.

Sharla enjoys speaking and makes sure every engagement is custom tailored to the audience. She weaves wit in with wisdom and adds anecdotes alongside advice. She currently travels all over the U.S throughout the year speaking to audiences of all sizes.

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